How To Crack Your Back By Yourself When Pregnant? 15 Best Ways

How To Crack Your Back By Yourself When Pregnant? 15 Best way

Crack your back by yourself when pregnant: Is your back beginning to communicate with you, but not in a good way? One of these methods for reducing back discomfort during pregnancy has been recommended by experts.

You will undoubtedly encounter some pregnant women in the waiting area of any physical therapist’s office or massage parlour. 

This is due to the fact that back discomfort in pregnancy is quite prevalent, affecting 50% to 75% of pregnant women at some time.

Both the expanding baby’s weight and the rising levels of the hormone relaxin, which during pregnancy causes the joints and ligaments to relax (thus the term) in preparation for delivery, may be held responsible for back discomfort. 

To make things worse, your uterus puts additional pressure on your pelvic ligaments as your delivery date approaches, which may aggravate your pain.

Pregnancy back discomfort is more prevalent during the fifth and seventh months. A lot of stress is placed on your lower and mid-back during pregnancy.  

According to Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Holly Herman, D.P.T., author of How to Raise Children Without Breaking YourBack: A Body Manual for Parents of Small Children and New Mothers.

“That’s when your uterus, which is normally housed in the pelvis, suddenly moves into your abdomen.” 

As a consequence, your spine sways, which affects your posture and compresses your back vertebrae like a squashed Slinky.

The good news is that you can start strengthening your back right now, so sit up (straight!) and take note. 

Crack Your Back By Yourself When Pregnant? 15 Best Ways

Numerous treatments are suggested by medical professionals, doulas, and alternative health professionals to lessen or even eliminate back discomfort associated with pregnancy. 

Here are some methods you may use to treat back pain as your body carries out the most essential task it has ever undertaken: carrying your child to term.

1. Yoga For Pregnant Women

One of the most well-liked methods for easing pregnant back discomfort is yoga, a strength and flexibility exercise centred on movement with origins in ancient India. 

Pregnant women who suffer from back pain, muscle aches, joint pain, and nerve pain often turn to prenatal yoga.

According to Liz Owen, a yoga instructor in the Boston area and co-author of Yoga for a Healthy Lower Back: A Practical Guide to Developing Strength and Relieving Pain, prenatal yoga may really aid with posture and “tone the physical body in preparation for the delivery process.”

With the help of strengthening and empowering deep, focused breathing techniques, prenatal yoga also addresses mental stress. 

Regular yoga practice may also improve your quality of sleep and calm your body and mind. In the midst of changing hormones and emotions, “yoga offers a base and attention,” continues Owen.

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2. Take your Medicine

Acetaminophen is usually regarded as safe to use during pregnancy for mild to moderate back pain, but avoid ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (unless your OB-GYN says it’s OK) since there is a risk of low amniotic fluid and cardiac problems for your unborn child.

3. Consider Acupuncture

Numerous individuals vouch for the efficacy of acupuncture, which has been linked in studies to the treatment of back discomfort during pregnancy. 

To avoid negative side effects including nausea, headaches, and overstimulation that might trigger labour, acupuncture must be performed properly.

In order to treat different systems of physical and mental health, extremely small needles are put into certain pressure points on the body during acupuncture, an East Asian medicinal practice. 

Acupuncture clears any obstructions preventing the qi, or bodily energy, from flowing freely (pronounced “chee”).

These acupuncture sites may be stimulated using either needle insertion or acupressure (a method in which the practitioner uses their fingers instead of needles), which can aid with digestion, increase energy, and provide relief from back pain, migraine headaches, and morning sickness.

To determine if acupuncture is appropriate for you, speak with your doctor first. Then, look for a licenced therapist with expertise in treating pregnant clients.

4. Prenatal Massage

When back discomfort is severe, especially when it’s the consequence of muscle clenching that irritates nerves (particularly the sciatic nerve in the buttocks and legs) and transmits pain signals to the brain, a trained prenatal massage therapist may provide immediate relief. 

According to research, frequent prenatal massage may help reduce melancholy and anxiety in addition to discomfort throughout the pregnancy.

Because it is soft and calming and employs long, steady strokes that won’t irritate the joints or pump fluid through the body in an undesirable manner, Swedish massage is the most popular and recommended kind of prenatal massage. 

To ensure that prenatal massage is safe for them, pregnant women should first speak with their doctor. 

They should then make sure to work with a registered prenatal massage therapist. On the massage table, a side-lying posture is often the most pleasant.

5. Consult A Chiropractor

Although many people equate chiropractors with “cracking” their joints, they really employ a variety of procedures to treat back pain. 

Many pregnant women also feel relief while under the care of a skilled chiropractor. 

To stop pregnant women from experiencing muscle tightness, nerve compression, and joint misalignment, chiropractors often do joint manipulation (which might result in that popping sound), soft tissue therapy, and recommend exercises.

Robert Kum, D.C., a chiropractor and co-owner of ChiroCare Associates in Arlington, Massachusetts, asserts that chiropractors are adept at spotting abnormalities and assisting in their correction. 

Searching for a chiropractor that works with expecting parents is advised by Dr Kum, who has treated hundreds of pregnant patients. 

Experience and having a positive mindset, he argues, are essential. Keep in mind that if you’re unhappy with any adjustments your chiropractor prescribes, you may take things slow or ask them to just alter what you’re comfortable with. 

According to Dr Kum, most back discomfort experienced by pregnant women is controllable, so you “don’t have to suffer through it.” For instance, simply let them know if you don’t want your neck modified.

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6. Appointment For Physical Therapy

Physical therapists may assist pregnant women with back discomfort by manipulating joints, muscles, and nerve pressure points and by giving them exercises they can do at home in addition to treating acute injuries. 

One of the physical therapists Rick Olderman, M.S.P.T.’s objectives is to educate patients by “teaching them how to walk, sit, stand, bend forward, lay down, and exercise,” according to his book Fixing You: Back Pain During Pregnancy.

Olderman says one thing he does is put tape on the backs of pregnant women’s knees to “remind them to release their knees,” a behaviour that he says may put stress on the powerful muscles of the legs, hip joints, and back. 

Olderman also aids in educating pregnant women about the significance of keeping their joint ranges of motion to around 75% since pregnancy-related hormonal changes lead their joints to become more supple. 

Stretching “may feel wonderful, but the tissue tension grows larger,” he claims, and might actually make the discomfort worse. 

Physical therapy may be covered by certain health insurance policies, which is not necessarily the case with other alternative treatments.

7. Unwind Through Meditation

Regular meditation may help you develop a higher pain threshold, which is beneficial for both controlling labour and delivery pain and back discomfort throughout the pregnancy.

In contrast to yoga or massage, meditation is a method you may use whenever, whenever, and without an appointment. There are many different techniques for meditation. 

One is to just sit or lay down in a peaceful area and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deeply while doing so. 

You may practise silent meditation or meditate while listening to soothing music or a guided audio programme that is either general (tells you to picture a lovely beach) or pregnancy-specific (“feel waves of love enveloping your growing baby”).

A biological “relaxation response” that prompts the brain to regulate the release of stress hormones has been shown to be elicited by meditation. 

Stress’ harmful consequences (such as elevated blood pressure and muscular tension) are lessened when it is under control.

8. Take A Swim

Because it “takes the strain off the spine,” swimming is one of the most strongly advised kinds of exercise for expectant women, according to Mary Rosser, M.D., PhD, an OB-GYN at the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University in New York City. Swimming is a great pregnancy back pain treatment because of this.

According to Dr Rosser, while you’re hung in the water, gravity has no effect on your body and “you’re weightless in the water.” 

You can decompress your spine and tone your legs, arms, back, and core muscles just by paddling up and down the pool lanes.

Breathe deeply and completely to remain afloat while engaging in full-body activity in a secure environment—deep breathing will assist you in relaxing both physically and emotionally. 

Additionally, swimming the breaststroke may tone your chest and back muscles as your pregnancy progresses. 

While swimming, remember to remain hydrated and to stop immediately if you begin to feel lightheaded or dizzy. Before going to the pool, see your doctor if you’re pregnant and at high risk.

9. Hold Your Body Up While You Sleep

Fold a thick towel lengthwise and place it perpendicular to your body at the point on your waist where your spine is most “droopy” to support your back and relieve back pain while sleeping. 

The length of the towel will ensure support without requiring readjustment, even if you roll over during the night. 

To lessen the stress on your pelvis and lower back, consider sleeping on your side with a cushion between your knees.

Getting any sleep during pregnancy might be difficult, particularly if your back hurts. Pregnant women often sleep on their sides. 

The spine is compared by Olderman to a telephone line in this posture that is suspended between your shoulders and pelvis. 

The spine “declines to the bed just like a telephone line would fall between two poles,” he said.

According to Dr Rosser, side sleeping is crucial as the pregnancy progresses through the first trimester because it promotes blood flow to the unborn child. 

She continues, “Sleeping flat on your back is bad for you and the baby.” When you’re resting on your side, body pillows may support your lower back, hips, and chest.

Experts also recommend sleeping on a firm mattress (if you have a soft mattress, Dr Rosser suggests putting a wooden board under it) and practising good sleep hygiene, such as keeping a regular sleep schedule and relaxing bedtime routine, using your bed only for sleeping and having sex, avoiding bright screens right before bed, keeping the room cool and dark, and refraining from eating for at least two to three hours prior to going to bed.

10. A pregnancy Support Belt Should Be Worn

Support belts are often recommended by doctors for pregnant women to try and use if they are effective, but they should not be your main method of pregnancy back pain alleviation.

Belly bands or maternity belts, which are supportive undergarments that assist hold up the belly so the pelvic girdle and lower back aren’t put under undue pressure, are frequently referred to as pregnancy support belts. 

The belt may take the place of your abdominal core muscles, which may struggle to stop your lower spine from severely increasing its curvature if your belly is bulging forward visibly rather than with your weight evenly distributed across your stomach.

11. Choose The Right Shoes

To get the finest assistance and to alleviate the most discomfort and back pressure associated with pregnancy, Dr Rosser suggests wearing comfortable low-heeled shoes with either built-in arch support or an orthotic implant. 

Your weight will be distributed more steadily and back-supportively on your legs thanks to the low heel’s small raise. You’re not doing your back any favours if you wear high heels all the time. 

How To Crack Your Back By Yourself When Pregnant?

Dr Rosser claims that wearing high heels makes your back curve more and puts pressure on your lower spine and hip joints, which forces the weight of your expanding uterus down there. 

Additionally, you run the risk of falling since your weight fluctuates as the pregnancy progresses and your centre of gravity changes, and heels might make you less stable.

However, wearing flats is not the solution either since they may leave your feet, which spread due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, unsupported. Incorrect foot placement may cause imbalance and discomfort that travels up your legs and into your back.

12. Test Different Temperatures

Alison Sadowy, a physical therapist, offers five simple methods to relieve back pain quickly:

Ice: To reduce swelling and inhibit the transmission of pain signals to the brain, put an ice pack on your back for 15 minutes if you are experiencing severe back pain (during the first 48 to 72 hours) (a bag of frozen vegetables works, too.).

Heat: After the acute period, utilise heat to improve circulation and ease residual pains to speed recovery. 

2 cups of uncooked rice should be put in a cotton sock. After tying a knot, microwave for 60 seconds. Apply for 15 minutes on the sore area.

13. Concentrate On Posture

Your posture and gait may alter as your uterus grows. This change may cause pregnant back discomfort, which you could experience most acutely when you lay down to sleep. 

The extra strain on your spine may be reduced by sleeping on your side with a cushion between your legs.

Your body is adapting to the change in your centre of gravity and the suppleness of your ligaments organically. 

Additionally, your pelvis may lean forward and your lower back may bend more inward.

14. Reduce Your Workload

To prevent back discomfort while carrying heavy things, such as a child or a bag of groceries, lift using your knees and hips rather than your back. 

In general, it’s preferable to keep the amount of weight you lift and carry to a minimum. 

You may determine what your new weight restriction could be by consulting with your prenatal care provider. Just remember to sometimes give yourself—and your back—a break.

When To Be Afraid Of Back Pain During Pregnancy

It is typical for low back discomfort to be severe while you are standing but to subside when you sit or lay down during pregnancy. 

However, if the pain begins to spread down your legs into your calves or feet, if it interferes with your everyday activities, or if it is joined by other symptoms like fever, chills, weakness, weight loss, or sensory problems, see a doctor. 

Be aware of other symptoms like discomfort while urinating, since some patients with a urinary tract infection may also feel back pain.

Additionally, if you are less than 37 weeks pregnant and experiencing back pain, you should let your doctor know since it may be an indication of labour for some individuals with regular or rhythmic pain.


Pregnancy and mild to severe back discomfort often go hand in hand, particularly as your bump begins to become extremely large. 

But just because it happens often doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Stay in contact with your prenatal care provider about your symptoms and try out our advice for reducing your pain.

  • January 24, 2023