How To Crack Your Hip? 5 Best Treatment & Guide

How To Crack Your Hip? 5 Best Treatment & Guide

Crack your hip: Most of us, I believe, have experienced hip popping, clicking, or clunking when moving about. With the exception of the standard hip checks, before we go on, it is often not even unpleasant.

Although you may have moved on, I’m sure you gave the sound your hip made a second consideration.

There are essentially two explanations for this phenomenon. Either there is a significant hip joint issue, or muscles and tendons are just snagging on the bones of the hip joint.

The former is dangerous and might cause more injury, while the latter is often painless and typical. Sometimes the pop noises are accompanied by a desire to pop the joint back into place.

Therefore, you must be knowledgeable on how to pop your hip when the impulse arises. I’ve picked up a few methods you may use to safely fracture your hip. After that, you ought to feel some alleviation.

Which Bones Are Involved In “Hip Cracking” And What Is It?

Have your knuckles ever cracked? I’m sure you’ve done it before. For those who haven’t, it is the practice of applying pressure to certain knuckle joints. The procedure produces a crackling noise.

The hip operates in the same way. The hips often make the familiar popping sound when you apply pressure to certain locations and joints. 

When you do this, pressure on the hip joint is released, which helps you feel much better.

There are various bones and bodily components involved when you break your hip. Hip popping involves the hip’s own soft tissues, ligaments, joints, and bones.

The hip muscle or tendon crosses across the hip bones when you whack your hip. The typical popping or cracking sound is caused by this movement. 

The noises are caused by nitrogen bubbles in the tendons popping when they contract.

How To Pop Your Hip Steps?

The advantage of breaking your hip is that you can do it without risk on your own. The best part about it is that you can work out at home. There are several approaches that each have their own set of procedures.

Crack Your Hip | 5 Methods  

I must say that although the procedures do evolve with time, they typically adhere to the same basic guidelines.

1. Reclining Hip Stretch

  1. To use this method, you must lie flat on your back. You will want a flat surface to lay on, ideally a soft mat, for this. Once you’ve made the area comfortable, you lay down.
  1. Lay flat with your knees bent and your feet on the ground (flat)
  1. Place your left leg over your right leg such that your left ankle touches the knee on the other side. Any leg may be used as a starting point; the left one is not required.
  1. Cross one arm over the shin in a single fast motion. The right arm crosses the right shin while the left arm crosses the left shin.
  1. Insert your free hand into the gap between your knees and grip your forearm.
  1. Bring this leg in your direction. As you pull the leg, your buttocks ought to feel stretched.
  1. After approximately a minute of continuous tugging and releasing, move to the other leg.
  1. Follow step 8 for the opposite leg about three times.
  1. As you extend your hip region and widen the hip joint’s range of motion, you may sometimes hear a pop or
  2. click.

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2. Floor Sitting Hip Pop

  • You must set up a clean, level area on your floor, just as you must have done in the prior instance. 

There should be enough room for you to move about. This approach is far more pleasant when a soft floor mat is added.

  • Take a seat on the floor mat with one leg extended and the other leg still bent at the knees. 

Your two legs will be interchangeable, allowing you to lengthen one while bending the other.

  • Next, turn your torso as far to the right as you comfortably can. Use your hands to help you stay upright and balanced during the operation. Stay in this posture for approximately a minute, or longer if you can.
  • Now, rotate as far to the left as you can, like in the prior instance. After remaining in this posture for a minute or longer, switch back to your starting position.
  • Continue the torso twist to the left and right more than five times. You shouldn’t have any issues going more than five times.

3. Hip Crash On A Chair

  1. This technique and the previous two are practically equivalent in concept. The distinction is that you will be sitting in a chair as opposed to reclining on the ground. The actions you use for hip rotation are still the same.
  1. Locate a chair that is comfortable to sit on, ideally one with a backrest. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground and maintain a straight back and shoulders.
  1. With your right hand firmly planted on the chair, turn your body to the right. Keeping your lower body from spinning is essential for the rotation to be successful. 

You shouldn’t try to force the rotation, in my opinion. For the best impact, it must be organic.

  1. Switch the hands that are holding onto the chair, and this time turn your upper body to the left. You won’t benefit from overdoing the rotation, as was already said.
  1. It would be ideal if you could repeat the body rotation around ten times in each direction. 

However, if you can accomplish more, that’s great since there will be fewer repetitions.

4. Standing With A Hip Crack

The little difference in this approach is that you will be standing rather than sitting or reclining on the floor.

  • In a room with adequate space to spin and twist, stand up straight. Start by letting your body relax and keeping your back straight.
  • Hold your hands out in front while clenching your fists and bending your arms at the elbow joint. The fist-clenching serves just to increase stability.
  • Swing your upper body as far to the left as you can. Standing firmly will prevent the lower body from moving. 

Don’t overdo it; the more you rotate the body, the more probable it is that you may hear a cracking sound.

  • Adjust the twist such that it now faces to the right. The lower body is still firmly planted on the ground. Since just the direction changes, repeat the previous step.
  • If you don’t hear a crack on the first try, keep doing the exercise consistently. You must eventually hear the pinnacle of pop music.

5. Partner-Assisted Cracking

Your spouse can assist you in popping your hip and providing you with some relief if you have one. In contrast to the others, this approach sometimes has a little discomfort.

  1. Lie on your side with your arms by your side on a carpeted area. In addition to the carpet, a towel might provide the necessary cushion. Simply avoid using a cushion or a mattress.
  1. While still feeling comfortable, tilt your head to one side without using a cushion to raise it. Your neck would be vulnerable if you used a cushion.
  1. Request that your companion lay their foot on your lower back (I would prefer the dominant foot).
  1. Next, give the partner instructions to progressively move their body weight to this foot. Your lower back will feel some pressure from this phase. 

The other foot must stay on the ground in order to prevent the whole body from resting on you. Tell them to stop if you experience any discomfort.

  1. Request that your spouse grab your hands and gently raise them higher. Keep your arms straight and powerful. Avoid overusing your elbows to the point of joint damage.
  1. Long everyone has a different level of flexibility, if you keep your foot on your back and lift your hands up for a while, you should hear a crack.

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Health Advice For Hip Cracking

It’s Secure

When your hip joint starts to stiffen, it’s normally okay to crack your back hip to provide some comfort. 

Most of the time, there is little to no noticeable discomfort throughout the treatment. But cease right away if you experience any discomfort.

It Differs From Hip Realignment

If you have ongoing discomfort despite popping your hip, it’s possible that this may not indicate an underlying issue. 

Even though you may feel happy and relieved, you should still get medical help right away if the discomfort doesn’t go away.

Regularly Stretch During Hip-Hop Dancing.

Regular stretching exercises may be used to avoid sometimes cracking your back. They are less harmful and helpful in relieving back pain. Yoga moves or simply lower back stretches are also options.

Avoid Making It A Habit

I’ve seen situations when someone’s body becomes too used to cracking activity. Then, it gets too addicting, and your body starts to feel sick if you don’t crack. The best course of action in this situation is to speak with a chiropractor.

Hip Snap Syndrome (SHS)

The popping or cracking feeling in your hip region is caused by this ailment. It is the phrase used in medicine to characterize the hip pops already mentioned. You may hear the cracking when you walk, get up from a chair, or swing your leg.

How To Crack Your Hip?

The movement of a tendon or a muscle across the protrusion of a bony surface in your hip causes snapping hip syndrome.

Even while the snapping might be inconvenient at times, it is typically painless and harmless. Despite the fact that it could result in bursitis. Your hip joint’s cushioning fluid-filled sacs enlarge as a result of this ailment. Painful swelling is present.

SHS is split into three groups:

  • Internal SHS

When tendons and muscles pass through bone landmarks at the front of the hip joint, internal SHS takes place.

  • External SHS

 The movement usually passes across the femur or thighbones.

  • Intra-Articular

This category differs significantly from the others in that it is not brought on by muscle or tendon movements. 

A genuine hip joint injury or issue causes the snapping. It results from damage to the ball-and-socket joint’s cartilage lining or rings in the hip joint.

SHS Physical Therapy

Exercise may provide some alleviation from this problem in addition to medical treatment (which is sometimes advised).

Here are a few popular workouts you can do.

Strain The Iliotibial Band
  1. With your afflicted leg and hip closest to the wall, lean on your side against the wall.
  1. Stand on the afflicted leg, then use the affected leg to cross the other leg.
  1. After then, when you lean away from the wall, softly extend your hip.
  1. Repeat the stretch after holding it for a few seconds.
Hamstring Stretch
  • Kneel with the other leg in front and the injured leg behind you.
  • Push the hips forward once you have straightened your back.
  • Keep stretching until you feel a tiny stiffness in the upper thigh of the leg you are kneeling on.
  • Repeat after holding the stretch for a few whiles.
Stretching The Hamstrings While Lying Down
  1. Lay flat on a level surface.
  1. Lift the injured leg up and away from the body.
  1. Bring this leg in close to your body. Your afflicted thigh’s back begins to feel a little tight.
  1. Repeat the stretch about three times while holding it for 30 seconds.

Stretched-Out Piriformis

  • Sit on the ground with your legs bent and lie on your back.
  • Clasp your hands behind the healthy thigh and cross your injured leg over the uninjured one.
  • Pull this thigh toward you until you feel a stretch in your hip and buttocks.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg.


I hope you’ve liked reading and practicing hip-hop in this article. You must use reason when cracking your hip. You should be fully informed of its pros and pitfalls before moving on.

The methods discussed here are not medical in any manner, just to be clear. To find out just what might be wrong with your hip, you must first see a doctor. However, if your only motivation is wonderful relief, then that’s OK.

  • January 25, 2023