How To Crack Lower Back Tailbone? 5 Causes & Treatment

How To Crack Lower Back Tailbone? 5 Best Causes & Treatment

Crack lower back tailbone: Many of us often assume the back discomfort will pass soon, take a few medications, and go about our days. 

However, according to the World Health Organization, lower back pain is a very prevalent health issue globally that has a negative impact on daily life, including job performance.

In order to assist you in better understanding your lower back discomfort and learning how to manage it, we’ve written this article.

Lower Back Pain | 5 Causes

Your lower back pain might be caused by a variety of factors. Here are a few of the lower back pain’s more typical causes.

  • Straining The Ligaments OR Muscles In Your Back
  • Disc Herniation
  • Disc Degeneration Disorders
  • An Abnormal Curve Of The Spine
  • Arthritis

Let’s Discuss Detail Point;

1. Straining The Ligaments OR Muscles In Your Back

This kind of discomfort might develop gradually with repetitive motions or abruptly. It most commonly results from factors like poor posture, excessive spinal pressure, carrying large items, or sports-related injuries.

2. Disc Herniation

The disc-like components that divide the bones along your spine are found there. A jelly-like fluid that is present in these discs might leak out and cause discomfort and inflammation down your spine.

3. Disc Degeneration Disorders

This isn’t as severe as the name suggests, so don’t worry. Basically, it happens when the discs in your spine dry up or get thinner, which reduces their resistance to pressure.

4. An Abnormal Curve Of The Spine

The spine’s natural form is that of the letter “S,” which is softly curved. Aches and other problems might come from the spine changing its form, which is brought on by certain situations.

5. Arthritis

When one or more of your joints swell and become tender, you have arthritis. There are more than 100 different varieties of arthritis, and a lot of them might hurt your lower back. 

To establish whether you have arthritis and which kind you have, your doctor will do tests and review your medical history.

There are several more factors that might contribute to lower back discomfort; these are just a few. 

Don’t be afraid to see a doctor if you have persistent lower back discomfort so they can assist you to comprehend your diagnosis.

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5 | Treatments For Lower Back Pain

There are several options for someone to get therapy for lower back pain. Here, we examine some of the most often used and typical treatments.

1. Medication For Pain

Many people find that using over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol is the quickest and most straightforward way to treat lower back discomfort. 

These anti-inflammatory medications may provide temporary pain relief to persons who are suffering.

2. Warmth Patches

Heat patches are another go-to treatment for individuals who want a quick, drug-free solution. 

These patches increase blood flow to assist in muscle regeneration and inflammation reduction. However, these patches often only provide momentary or brief relief.

3. Massage Treatment

Getting a massage is another typical treatment for lower back discomfort. This kind of relief may assist lessen stress, enhance blood circulation, and relieve muscular tension. 

However, since the alleviation is just momentary, it is once again merely a temporary fix.

4. Chiropractor Services

As the primary approach of pain management in chiropractic therapy, spinal manipulation and treatment of the surrounding regions are performed by a qualified chiropractor. 

This is a non-drug method that emphasizes making sure your muscles and spine are seated properly to aid with any aches or pains. 

For a long-term pain management approach, your chiropractor will often develop a treatment plan.

5. Physiotherapy

When you see a physiotherapist, you’ll get both active and passive therapy to help your core muscles become stronger, your posture gets better, and your spinal flexibility gets better. 

Your physiotherapist will try to maintain your mobility and look for muscular knots in your body. 

A competent physiotherapist will design a personalized treatment plan for you and even provide suggestions for altering your habits and doing exercises at home to better manage your body pains over the long run.

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Stretches & Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Always be careful and avoid placing too much stress on your back. It is always preferable to speak with a doctor so that you may get workouts that are personalized for you. Here are a few straightforward stretches to attempt, however.

Cat-Cow Stretch 

  • Begin by getting down on your hands and knees with your spine in a neutral posture. Your wrists and knees should be in line with your shoulders and hips, respectively.
  • Look up as you inhale, pointing your tailbone upward while your belly descends toward the floor.
  • Exhale while arching your back upward, focusing on your tummy, and tucking in your pelvis.
  • Each posture should be held for two to three seconds.

Child’s Pose 

  1. Begin by getting down on your hands and knees, keeping your spine neutral, your big toes touching, and your knees slightly wider than your shoulder width.
  1. With your hands supporting you, crawl forward, allowing your tummy to rest between your legs, your forehead to softly rest on the ground, and your shoulders and neck to relax.
  1. After remaining in the posture for perhaps 20 seconds, slowly allow yourself to sit down again.

Lumbar Rotation 

  • Stretch your arms out to the sides while lying flat on your back with your legs and hips bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Maintain a strong grip on the ground with your shoulders, relax your neck, and gently move your bowed knees to the left.
  • On the right side of your lower back, you should feel a stretch. If you start to experience pain or discomfort, you’ve gone too far and should back off a little.
  • Maintain the position for 15 to 20 seconds. Gently take a step back to your starting position, then repeat on the other side.
  • Complete the Set three times.

How To Correct Your Posture?

It’s never too late to start taking care of your body and making sure your back is healthy! The greatest place to begin is by daily practicing easy posture-improvement techniques.

Take A Seat Straight-Backed

When working at a desk or just relaxing on the sofa with your phone, it might be simple to slouch. 

How To Crack Lower Back Tailbone?

Although it can seem comfortable at the time, sitting like that is bad for your spine. To cushion the curvature of your spine, lay a pillow or towel curled up against your mid back.

Keep your Shoulders Back As you Stand

Make sure your shoulders are back and not hunched forward while standing. Your bones, ligaments, muscles, and joints may align correctly as a result, putting less load on them.

Make An Effort To Avoid Spending A Lot Of Time Sitting Down

Long lengths of time spent in one posture may wear you out, tighten your muscles, and make you uncomfortable. Every hour, it’s essential to get up and walk about or spend a few minutes lightly stretching.

We Can Assist You In Managing Your Lower Back Pain

Check out this video of one of our patients who visited us for treatment of her lower back and tailbone discomfort if you’re interested in learning how we might assist.

Come in to speak with our staff if you’ve been having trouble finding long-term relief for your lower back pain so we can assist you! We provide both chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments as part of our combined package. 

Give us a call or schedule an appointment to speak with one of our practitioners for additional details!

  • January 25, 2023