How To Speed Up Metabolism After 50? 10 Best Ways, Signs & Tips

How To Speed Up Metabolism After 50? 10 Easy Ways, Signs & Tips

How To Speed Up Metabolism After 50? As we become older, our bodies change, and we often bemoan the slowdown of our metabolism. Everyone pays attention to those above 50 in particular.

As we reach the age of 50, our bodies have trouble gaining and preserving muscular mass. In actuality, between the ages of 50 and 70, individuals typically lose roughly 30% of their physical power. 

That makes sense if you consider our hunter-gatherer ancestors that when their capacity to find food decreased, their bodies adapted by storing fat more readily. 

But, in the era of supermarkets and plentiful food, this adjustment might be discouraging.

The amount of muscle is really essential. Our body’s motions and functions are powered by muscles, which promotes greater balance, fewer accidents, and longer lifespans. 

They provide a decent quality of life when doing routine activities like walking, running, and opening jars. 

They also maintain our postures robust. And they provide our metabolisms with rocket fuel.

For this reason, rather than emphasizing a fat reduction in our elderly patients, we choose to concentrate on maintaining a healthy muscle mass. 

Muscle mass increases metabolism. Therefore, the secret to increasing your metabolism beyond 50 is to maintain and increase muscle.

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What Signs Point To A Slowed Metabolism?

1. Greater Fat Storage

Perhaps the most visible sign of a slow metabolism is increased fat accumulation. It’s your body’s method of getting ready to live off of scarce food supplies.

Nonetheless, the majority of Americans do not notice a sharp decline in food availability as they become older. 

Moreover, greater fat accumulation is brought on by the same quantity of food and reduced metabolism.

2. Reduction In Muscular Mass

Muscle is often the polar opposite of fat. The muscle-building switch turns off while the switch for fat storage goes on, and vice versa. 

As we become older, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain these switches in the proper settings.

Strength declines when muscle mass declines. You are not able to lift as much, run as quickly, or leap as high as you once could. Also, you risk hurting yourself if you attempt.

3. Brain Fog And Fatigue

You don’t convert food into nutrients and energy as rapidly as before, which may lead to exhaustion when your metabolism slows. 

You could also detect a loss of your former mental acuity. Age-related knowledge has come to you, but it’s difficult for you to spit it out now.

How To Increase Metabolism Beyond Age 50? 10 Tips

There are still things you can do to speed up your metabolism, even if it has slowed down due to age. 

There may not be any NBA All-Stars above the age of 50, but many individuals have taken action to significantly increase their metabolism after that age.

These are some of our best, tried-and-true advice that people of all ages may use.

1. Continue To Activate Your Muscles

Use it or lose it is a proverb that you’ve undoubtedly heard. This certainly holds true for muscular mass. 

When we become older, it’s simple to quit working out our muscles, which is a significant contributor to muscle loss. The switch for muscle shuts off, and the button for fat turns on.

We need to consciously activate our muscles every day to maintain that muscle switch in the proper place. 

This entails setting up a few structures in our everyday life. We may not forget to eat or sleep every day, but if it is not a part of our daily routine, we will forget to use our muscles.

This may take the form of a pickleball game with a buddy or a twice-daily stroll. 

You can consider joining a gym, routinely swimming laps, or streaming Peloton exercises at home because the heat in Tampa often makes outside activities uncomfortable.

Sustainability is important for maintaining muscle. Only sustained activity can create and keep muscle. 

Choose the interaction that suits you most, and incorporate it permanently into your schedule.

2. Use Protein To Activate Muscle

As protein is a crucial component of muscles, you should make sure you consume enough of it daily.

While you won’t need the same amounts as, for example, a bodybuilder, it will require some intentional effort to include levels that promote muscle in your diet.

Try to ingest 50–100% of your lean body mass in grams of protein on a daily basis to maintain and strengthen your muscles.

Via body composition tools like InBody, which we make accessible to all GCM members in our office, you may determine your lean body mass, which is your entire body weight loss your body fat.

We advise consulting your doctor about what is best for your body since certain medical problems call for a low-protein diet.

3. Avoid Foods That Cause Fat And Inflammation By Following 

The body’s activation of fat accumulation, which is the kryptonite of muscle, is caused by a few macronutrients.

Sugar is by far the major offender here. Sugar is fat fuel if not used for the activity. Without exercise, we say, since using your muscles will help you burn off that sugar instead of letting it turn into fat.

The idea is to make sure you exercise your body after eating something sweet if you sometimes want to indulge.

Moreover, sugar encourages inflammation, which shows up as pain and a general sense of unwellness. It’s considerably more difficult to exercise when you’re injured.

A wonderful method to break the cycle of fat buildup and jump-start a new habit is to limit your sugar consumption.

4. Know When To Seek Assistance

At age 50, some individuals need a push to get their metabolisms back on track. 

You don’t have to keep working out frequently and consuming adequate protein if you aren’t getting the results you were hoping for. See your doctor about the help alternatives that could be best for you.

For instance, testosterone treatment may assist some individuals in shedding stubborn fat and building muscle when it previously appeared unattainable. 

New drugs like GLP-1 agonists, which inhibit the accumulation of fat, are proven helpful in various situations.

5. Ask Family And Friends For Support

We enjoy it when families and friends seek health together. Group exercise may be a powerful motivation to keep you active. 

In addition to holding you responsible and increasing your likelihood of regular exercise, a strong support network also makes exercise more enjoyable.

Discussing your fitness and nutrition objectives with a group will increase accountability and help you keep to your plan. 

Positive community support may be a crucial component of long-term metabolic success, whether it comes from taking part in a weight-loss challenge at work or training with your kids for a 5K.

6. Don’t Cut Corners On Sleep

You would not anticipate seeing sleep recommendations among advice on nutrition and exercise on a list of methods to increase metabolism after 50. Yet sleep is far more crucial than it is often given credit for.

Your body needs enough time to recuperate from exercises, especially if you’re actively attempting to gain muscle. 

And as you sleep, you recuperate. Sleep makes digestion and hormone control easier, which helps your body obtain the nutrients it needs to grow muscle.

7. Lessen Stress

Stress, particularly ongoing stress, has a negative impact on the body and might undermine your efforts to speed up your metabolism. 

For instance, the stress hormone cortisol instructs your body to store fat rather than burn it, and operating in continual overdrive might make you feel too exhausted to do any exercise.

8. Consume Plenty Of Water

While we all know we should drink more water, doing so may often be challenging. 

Yet, other studies suggest that increasing your water intake—especially if it’s cold—can help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism.

9. Quit Smoking

This last piece of advice may sound a little out of the left field, but smoking has an impact on everything. 

Smoking harms the lungs and contributes to one out of every four cardiovascular deaths, both of which are detrimental to developing and retaining muscle. 

Exercise might be challenging if you have heart disease and shortness of breath.

Beyond Age 50 You May Increase Your Metabolism

While we cannot halt the aging process, there are things we can do to slow it down. You may increase your metabolism beyond the age of 50, 60, or beyond with the help of these nine suggestions. 

It’s not necessary to test out all nine at once. Choose one or two to begin with, and as you get used to your new regimen, add more.

Of course, we’re always willing to discuss with our members how to increase metabolism and maintain healthy, powerful muscles.

Recommended: How To Gain Weight With A Fast Metabolism? 5 Ways & Tips

These 9 | Simple Methods Can Help You Boost Metabolism

1. During Every Meal Eat A Lot Of Protein

After not eating for many hours, your metabolism could momentarily increase. It is caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb, and use the nutrients in your diet.

Protein is responsible for the biggest rise in TEF. Dietary protein requires 20 to 30% of its usable energy to be utilized for metabolism, compared to 5 to 10% for carbs and 0 to 3% for fats.

Also, eating protein has been shown to heighten your sense of fullness and prevent you from overeating.

By eating more protein, you may be able to slow down the drop in metabolism that is often associated with fat loss. 

This is a result of protein’s ability to stop muscle loss, a common side effect of dieting.

2. Drink Extra Water

Those who choose water over sugary drinks often have more luck shedding pounds and keeping them off. 

This is because switching to water immediately reduces your calorie intake since sugary drinks include calories.

But, drinking water could perhaps briefly speed up your metabolism.

According to a 2013 study, drinking 17 ounces (500 mL) of water over the course of around an hour increases resting metabolism by 30%.

Nevertheless, further research is needed to support this. A 2015 study found that an increase in metabolism may not necessarily follow the consumption of water.

How To Speed Up Metabolism After 50?

Apart from making you feel full, water may also aid in weight loss. Studies show that drinking water 30 minutes before a meal may reduce the amount of food you consume.

Those who drank 17 ounces (500 mL) of water 30 minutes before meals for 12 weeks lost approximately 3 pounds (1.3 kg) more weight than those who didn’t, according to an interesting little study (13).

Water consumption might help you maintain your weight loss. It helps you feel fuller before meals and briefly accelerates your metabolism.

3. Do A Strenuous Workout

High-intensity interval training involves short, highly intense bursts of exercise (HIIT).

If this kind of exercise is beneficial for you, it may even continue to help you burn fat after your workout is complete by increasing your metabolic rate.

This effect is considered to be greater with HIIT than with other types of exercise. HIIT has also been shown to aid in fat reduction.

Start with a kind of exercise you are already familiar with, like biking or running.

Your metabolism may speed up and help you lose weight if you include a few high-intensity workouts into your usual exercise routine.

4. Move Massive Items

Muscle has greater metabolic activity than fat. By gaining muscle, you could burn more calories every day, even while you’re at rest. You achieve this by increasing your metabolism.

Lifting weights also promotes metabolism during weight loss and prevents muscle loss.

In terms of reducing body fat percentage, total body fat mass, and belly fat, an analysis of 58 studies revealed that resistance training performed noticeably better than a control group.

You may be able to reduce body fat and build more muscle with weight exercise. Having more muscle will result in a higher metabolism.

5. Take More Walks

Excessive sitting might have a bad influence on your health. This is partly because extended periods of sitting may lead to weight gain and decreased calorie expenditure.

An investigation conducted in 2018 found a correlation between standing or stepping while working and lower levels of weight, 

  1. Body Fat
  2. Waist Circumference
  3. Systolic& Diastolic 
  4. Blood Pressure
  5. Fasting Triglycerides
  6. total/HDL Cholesterol
  7.  Insulin & Cardiometabolic 

risk (CMR) scores. Standing had a lower impact on systolic blood pressure and insulin resistance than stepping (27).

Consider standing up sometimes when working at a desk to break up the time you spend sitting. You might also try using a standing desk or going for afternoon walks.

Inactivity for extended durations doesn’t burn many calories and might be dangerous to your health. Take into account standing up, taking periodic strolls, or purchasing a standing desk.

6. Drink Some Green  Oolong Tea

Green and oolong teas have been shown to increase metabolism and fat burning.

These teas may increase fat burning when combined with exercise by turning some of the body’s stored fat into free fatty acids.

Due to their low-calorie content, these teas may aid in weight loss and weight maintenance.

Its ability to speed up the metabolism is thought to help those who are trying to lose weight avoid hitting a plateau because their metabolism has slowed down.

Yet, earlier studies suggest that these teas don’t have much of an impact on metabolism. As a result, its influence can be negligible or restricted to a certain set of people.

Green or oolong tea may help you burn calories more quickly. While there is mixed data, these teas could help if weight reduction and weight maintenance are your objectives.

7. Eat Warm Food

Your metabolism could be accelerated by the pepper chemical capsaicin.

Yet, many people find the dosages required for these spices to have a discernible effect to be sometimes uncomfortable.

For instance, one study evaluated the effects of capsaicin at safe dosages and was discussed in a review from 2016. 

According to predictions, eating peppers will increase calorie burn by 10 each meal. It is a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case the backup plan fails (36).

On their own, spices may not have much of an effect on your diet. However, it could provide a little advantage when combined with other metabolism-enhancing methods.

By speeding up your metabolism, eating spicy food may help you maintain a healthy weight. But, spicy food does have very little metabolism-boosting effect.

8. Get A Restful Night’s Sleep

Obesity risk is significantly increased by getting too little sleep. The detrimental effects of sleep loss on metabolism may contribute to this. 

A greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes has been associated with both insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar levels, both of which have been connected to sleep deprivation.

Leptin, a hormone that regulates fullness, and ghrelin, a hormone that regulates appetite, have both been proven to be affected (satiety).

This may help to explain why many sleep-deprived persons often feel hungry and may struggle to lose weight when doing so is their objective.

Lack of sleep may alter your metabolism, alter how you metabolize sugar, and interfere with the hormones that control your appetite.

9. Consume Coffee

Caffeine in coffee may temporarily increase metabolism, according to studies. Similar to green tea, it could stimulate fat burning.

Studies have shown that the benefits of coffee on metabolism and fat burning may help people achieve and maintain their weight reduction goals.

Yet, depending on a number of variables, caffeine effects may differ. For instance, compared to skilled athletes, those with a less active lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle) used caffeine more effectively to increase fat burning during exercise.

If losing weight is your objective, drinking coffee may considerably speed up your metabolism and support that goal.

  • March 15, 2023