How To Make A Dog Throw Up? 10 Reasons & Easy Things TO Do

How To Make A Dog Throw Up? 10 Reasons & Easy Things You Can Do

How To Make A Dog Throw Up? Vomiting in your dog is never simple or enjoyable, particularly when you’re traveling. 

For a number of reasons, such as sickness, gastrointestinal cramping, or if he ate anything foul like sharp objects, you may wish to make your dog puke up.

Learning how to make a dog puke is essential since eliminating the poison will save his life. Please read on as we provide you with some advice and suggestions.

When It’s Not A Good Idea To Vomit?

Whether you believe it or not, certain dogs are capable of ingesting items that, if vomited back up, might cause significant harm. 

Each year, veterinary radiologists hold a competition where they display amazing radiographs of objects that dogs have ingested. 

At least one Labrador retriever has ever successfully retrieved a steak knife. It is better to leave dealing with sharp things, even ones as little as a sewing needle, to your veterinarian.

If spat back up, acidic or alkaline caustic drinks may harm the fragile esophageal mucosa. Remember that objects like batteries may leak if they were chewed on before being ingested, in addition to liquids.

Oils like gasoline, kerosene, or cooking oils are part of a third important category of substances that should not be made to make your dog vomit. 

These liquids are exceedingly simple for dogs to aspirate and may result in aspiration pneumonia, which can be fatal.

For dogs that have specific disorders, vomiting may potentially be harmful. Do not attempt to make your dog vomit if he is experiencing a seizure; instead, take him to the vet clinic as soon as possible. 

The same holds true for dogs with laryngeal paralysis or megaesophagus. Even in the best of circumstances, dogs with such diseases are at risk for aspiration pneumonia and vomiting. 

Always be mindful of your own safety; if your dog is hesitant to have his lips touched and seems like he could bite, take him to the vet.

Recommended: Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Undigested Food? 8 Reasons & Treatments

Making Your Dog Toss Up When?

But, there are a variety of things you may employ to safely induce vomiting in a dog. 

Every year, the Pet Poison Helpline publishes a list of their top toxins, and for dogs, the list includes xylitol, chocolate, grapes, and raisins, and prescription and over-the-counter drugs for both humans and pets.

It is advised that you force your dog to vomit if it has consumed any of these poisons.

It is advisable to induce vomiting within two hours of the offending things being swallowed by your dog in order to eliminate poisons from their system. 

Up to 50% of the poisons your dog ate may be eliminated if you can get him to vomit within 30 minutes.

Why Do Dogs Throw Up?

Determine the underlying reason for your dog’s vomiting before attempting to treat this health condition. This would be quite helpful in determining the best and appropriate remedy for it.

A few reasons for sudden or intense bouts of vomiting include:

  1. Gastrointestinal Tract Infections Caused By Bacteria
  1. Parasites in the intestines
  1. Pancreatitis
  1. Consuming Toxic Substances
  1. Heatstroke
  1. Food Allergies
  1. blockage or inflammation of the colon
  1. Shift in diet
  1. Chronic renal failure
  1. Constipation
  1. Viral diseases
  1. Certain medicines

There are certain major medical disorders that may induce frequent vomiting. The signs you should take into account include:

  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Throwing up blood
  • Continent pain
  • Loss of weight

If your pet pukes but keeps eating and going to the bathroom normally, it could be an isolated incident. 

If he vomits food or exhibits one or more of the symptoms listed above, you may need to take him to the vet.

Things That Cause Dogs To Throw Up

These three substances—apomorphine, Clevor, and hydrogen peroxide—can cause your dog to vomit. But are they secure?

Apomorphine is often used in veterinary offices to induce vomiting in dogs. On rare occasions, they inject this under the conjunctiva or take it as a pill (the membrane that covers the eyeball and lines the eyelids).

When Clevor, a prescription drug, gets in their eyes, it makes them throw up.

Hydrogen peroxide is the home remedy of choice for the majority of pet owners since it is often found in bathroom cabinets. 

Since larger concentrations can be hazardous to your pet, only use the 3% solutions.

Regrettably, some dog owners induce vomiting in their pets by using dangerous methods.

Try to stay away from things like ipecac syrup, alcohol, olive oil, and salt water. Some treatments or procedures could actually make people worse.

How To Make A Dog Vomit In Dogs?

With the help of these strategies, techniques, and ideas, make your dog vomit.

1. Remind Yourself Of The Purpose Of Wanting Your Dog To Vomit

Do not forget that you are making your dog vomit because he may have consumed something deadly. 

To find the best remedy, a veterinarian would need to be consulted. This is crucial, particularly if he won’t consume anything.

Another argument is that since every circumstance is unique, it could only apply in certain circumstances.

Inducing vomiting might sometimes worsen the situation. For instance, vomiting might be more harmful if someone has consumed a caustic substance.

More so, animals that have respiratory problems run the danger of breathing in their vomit. This might then result in dangerous consequences.

2. Keep An Eye On Each Instance Of Consumption

If it occurred more than two hours before you were aware of it, it would probably be too late to induce the consumed chemical.

The drug may have already been absorbed by your pet or it may have already left the stomach and migrated into the small intestines. Making your pet throw up would not be beneficial in this situation.

Even if you are unsure of the exact time the ingestion occurred, getting him to vomit may still be helpful. Even then, it won’t be unexpected if nothing does.

3. Recognize The Gog’s Physical Condition

Be aware that if your dog doesn’t have enough gag reflexes, you shouldn’t make him vomit. 

In the event that he throws up and is unable to swallow properly, he risked choking on his own vomit, which might aspirate into his lungs and cause serious pneumonia.

Also, you shouldn’t make an inebriated or otherwise compromised dog puke.

4. Use Peroxide Of hydrogen

As previously stated, provide one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide orally for every 10 pounds of body weight. 

To calculate the dose of the solution, all you need to know is your pup’s body weight.

The optimal administration tools are a turkey baster or a disposable dosage syringe. If vomiting doesn’t start within 10 minutes, provide an additional dosage of hydrogen peroxide.

It’s time to see the veterinarian if the second dosage is ineffective. He could need a stronger drug to make him vomit.

How to Get a Puppy to Vomit Up Without Using Bleach? There are other treatments you may apply if your dog eats something poisonous or inedible and you don’t have hydrogen peroxide on hand.

5. Consuming Little Amounts Of Food

If your dog hasn’t eaten in a while, give him modest quantities of treats or healthy food.

After they have eaten some food, some dogs often vomit more. This aids in the elimination of the toxic compounds in their stomachs.

6. Administration Of Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate)

Giving out washing soda or soda washing crystals is another option. Nonetheless, it is strongly advised that you speak with your vet before administering this drug to your dog.

They can advise you on the proper dose to use as well as if the product is the best choice for making your dog puke.

7. Be At Your Pet’s Side

Your dog needs you the most during this time, much as a newborn does. Until he vomits up, be at his side.

After dosing him, walk him about or let him bounce. This action makes him want to puke and improves his health.

8. Prevent The Dog From Vomiting

After the inciting is effective, remove your pet from the vomit your pet produces. Remember that most dogs often consume everything they regurgitate.

How To Make A Dog Throw Up?

Most of the time, the veterinarian may ask you to get a sample specimen from the vomit for testing.

9. Talk To A Veterinarian 

Call your dog’s veterinarian or any nearby animal or emergency clinic if none of the previously listed remedies are effective. The severity of the occurrence will determine this.

The finest expert to provide specific medicine to make an animal vomit is a veterinarian. He should continue to be induced in a veterinary hospital or clinic as it is still more efficient and secure.

These techniques will assist in making dogs vomit and reduce the possibility of hazardous emergencies.


Although making your dog throw up is never enjoyable, it is necessary for him to get rid of the poison. You must thus understand how to induce vomiting in dogs. You can also visit for more news & updates.

Understand how to provide hydrogen peroxide solution, seek veterinarian attention, and then follow instructions for causing vomiting.

To get rid of the poison, use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide for every 10 pounds of body weight. It is important for pet owners to monitor what their pets eat.


Is It OK To Make Your Dog Vomit?

It’s OK to make your dog vomit when he mistakenly ate something inappropriate. For the right medicine, you must, of course, visit his veterinarian.

He should eliminate the harmful material from his system as quickly as possible since it can poison his stomach.

Can You Use Your Finger To Make A Dog Vomit?

Dogs do not have the same gag reaction as humans, therefore sticking your finger down a dog’s throat won’t make him vomit. Indeed, his throat will only suffer harm as a result of this.

Can A Dog Vomit After Using Baking Soda?

Even though baking soda may induce vomiting in your pet, you should still get veterinary advice on the right amount and administration. Asking the vet if your dog needs it or not is still advised.

These are some often-asked questions about making someone puke.

Is It OK To Make Your Dog Vomit?

It’s OK to make your dog vomit when he mistakenly ate something inappropriate. For the right medicine, you must, of course, visit his veterinarian.

He should eliminate the harmful material from his system as quickly as possible since it can poison his stomach.

Can You Use Your Finger To Make A Dog Vomit?

Dogs do not have the same gag reaction as humans, therefore sticking your finger down a dog’s throat won’t make him vomit. Indeed, his throat will only suffer harm as a result of this.

Can A Dog Vomit After Using Baking Soda?

Even though baking soda may induce vomiting in your pet, you should still get veterinary advice on the right amount and administration. Asking the vet if your dog needs it or not is still advised.

  • March 12, 2023