Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam? 10 Causes & Treatment

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam? 10 Causes & Treatment

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam? Dog vomit may be clear, yellow, brown, white, or frothy in appearance. There are a number of possible causes for your dog to vomit white foam, including indigestion, pancreatitis, ingesting a foreign substance, infectious diseases, and more. 

Frequent vomiting necessitates action on your side, whether it’s denying your dog access to certain items or meals or bringing them in for a comprehensive examination to rule out any potentially significant medical conditions.

Even though seeing your dog vomit might be quite unsettling, most of the time nothing harmful is to blame for only one incident of vomiting. 

Even so, if your dog vomits, watch out for any other signs. Call the vet straight away if your dog seems very unwell rather than waiting to see if they get better on their own.

What Causes White Foam In Dog Vomit?

Your dog may be throwing up white foam for a number of reasons. Many times, a stomach upset in your dog was just the result of something they tasted or ate. 

Your dog may have been biting on something unpleasant, licking something unpleasant, or nibbling on the grass. 

But, vomiting of any type might be a sign of a more severe condition, particularly if it happens regularly. 

The following are some of the most frequent causes of white foamy vomiting in dogs:

1. Indigestion

That simply implies that your dog ate something that didn’t agree with it, such as grass or anything out of the garbage, in this typical cause of canine vomiting. 

Eating too rapidly or eating immediately after strenuous activity might also trigger indigestion.

2 . Reflux Of Acid

If their stomach is upset by too much bile or stomach acids, dogs might vomit white foam, which is also known as bilious vomiting sickness. 

If your dog throws up white foam in the morning before breakfast, this is very likely to happen. 

Smaller, more frequent meals, as well as a quick snack before bed and first thing in the morning, are beneficial for dogs with this disease. Some people also need antacid medicine.

3. Pancreatitis

Dogs with pancreatic inflammation often vomit, and if the dog’s stomach was otherwise empty, the vomit might be white and frothy. 

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Yet in most cases, pancreatitis will also cause additional symptoms including pain, nausea, and diarrhea. If your dog exhibits any of these signs, take them immediately away to the clinic.

4. More Stomach Irritation

If your dog has a viral or bacterial stomach irritation, it may vomit white foam or different hues of vomit.

5 . Obstruction Of The Digestive Tract

It might happen that a dog that ingested a toy, piece of bone, or other foreign item develops a blockage in the intestines. Surgery may be necessary since this might be quite dangerous. 

Call your veterinarian if your dog keeps throwing up and exhibits other symptoms of discomfort or distress.

6. Exposure To Toxins

A dog that ate anything poisonous, such as medicine, household goods, or dangerous plants, may vomit white foam. 

But more often than not, you’ll notice other signs as well, such as shaking, weakness, or frequent episodes of vomiting. Another instance when your veterinarian has to be contacted right away is this one.

7. Rabies

Rabies, albeit uncommon in the United States because of strict vaccination efforts, may cause your dog to vomit white foam.

8. Bloat

The stomach of a dog swells up with gas, fluid, or food due to this unpleasant ailment. White foam in the vomit might be an early sign. 

A medical emergency is a bloat. You need to contact your veterinarian right away if your dog’s belly is expanded, it seems to be in discomfort, and it is having trouble passing feces. 1

9. Canine Influenza

It’s possible for dogs to cough up a frothy white liquid due to other upper respiratory issues. Yet, the substance may really be mucus and fluids from the respiratory system even though it may seem to be vomit.

 1 Or then, the dog can be vomiting up fluid and mucous that it may have ingested when having a respiratory problem. 

White foam that is coughed up is distinct from white foam that is vomited because you can feel your dog’s stomach lurch before it vomits.

How To Handle A Dog Vomiting White Foam?

Often, saliva and gas in the dog’s stomach combine to form white, frothy vomit. If your dog only sometimes vomits white foam, there is no immediate cause for alarm as long as your pet generally behaves properly.

Withhold your dog’s subsequent meal and contact your veterinarian if, in contrast, your dog is exhibiting other symptoms in addition to vomiting white foam, such as:

  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Reduced appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit with blood in it
  • Shaking

If your dog throws up more than twice a day or if the vomiting is intermittent and lasts more than a day, call your vet. 

Also, if an episode of vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms of an illness, call your vet.

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White Foam Dog Vomit Remedy

The reason for your dog’s vomiting will determine how to treat it. Veterinary treatment is required in numerous situations. 

Nevertheless, it is reasonable to attempt certain at-home treatments before seeking veterinary care if your dog only sometimes vomits white foam and shows no other symptoms of disease, such as diarrhea, weakness, weight loss, or lack of appetite.

What Home Remedies Can You Use?

Withholding food and water for 12 hours is the recommended course of action for an adult dog experiencing a single episode of white foam vomit. 

The stomach might settle as a result. After this time, give your pet food and observe their behavior. 

You shouldn’t be concerned if they eat enthusiastically and go on as normal. It’s time to see the veterinarian, however, if they refuse to eat or if they eat and then vomit again.

Puppies shouldn’t be denied food or water since this puts them in danger of being dehydrated; instead, they should see the clinic right away.

In some cases, such as when your dog has vomited more than once in 24 hours, has continued to vomit beyond 24 hours, or exhibits other symptoms of disease, urgent veterinarian attention is required.

How Will Your Veterinarian Handle It?

After a thorough physical examination, your veterinarian will go through your pet’s history with you. 

Tell your doctor all you know about your dog’s medical background, including any prescription drugs or dietary supplements they may be taking and any recent changes to their health. 

Knowing precisely what diet they follow and bringing any pertinent paperwork to the consultation might be helpful.

Your veterinarian could advise diagnostic procedures such as abdominal radiography, blood tests, and tests of the urine and feces (X-rays). 

They may then start treating the individual illness process or issue from there. 

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?

This could include deworming, hospitalization, intravenous hydration treatment, surgery, drugs like antibiotics or anti-inflammatories, stomach acid reducers (like Pepcid), and more.

They may advise beginning with fluids and injectable anti-nausea drugs and giving your dog a prescription-based bland meal for a few days in mild instances, particularly those in which the dog is otherwise healthy.

How To Stop Dogs From Urinating?

The easiest method to stop your dog from throwing up is to keep anything they shouldn’t eat, lick, or chew out of reach and to watch them carefully while they’re playing with toys or exploring new places. 

However, vomiting cannot be completely prevented since many diseases have unknown causes.

Thankfully, you may attempt to lessen the likelihood that your dog will vomit by following a few easy steps:

  1. Ensure that your dog has a wellness checkup every year to make sure they are in excellent condition and think about having regular blood work done to detect any illnesses or abnormalities before they develop into serious health issues.
  1. Keep your pet’s immunizations current to avoid avoidable infectious infections.
  1. Give your dog nutritious, well-balanced food.
  1. Slowly introduce a new diet if they are changing their diet.
  1. Only give humans low-fat, bland (i.e., without extra seasonings) fruits, vegetables, and lean meats as rewards.
  1. Stow away all possible poisons, including plants, medicines, chemicals, cleaning supplies, garbage, human food, and the trash can, in a cupboard or closet that your dog cannot enter.
  1. Keep a watchful eye on your pet as they play with toys, particularly if they have a tendency to tear things apart.
  1. Always keep up with heartworm prevention for pets and have your pet dewormed yearly.

Keep in mind that your dog’s prognosis will be better and the cost of treatment will be lower the sooner a sickness or ailment is diagnosed and treated. 

Call your veterinarian and ask them for guidance if your dog is throwing up and you’re not sure what to do. Always choose safety over regret.


In conclusion, there’s no reason to panic if you see your dog or puppy vomit foam. Of course, when you first detect the vomiting, it’s crucial to evaluate your dog’s health.

If your dog generally looks healthy, it might be anything as simple as indigestion or consuming food that doesn’t agree with his stomach or tastes terrible.

Giving your dog a diet that is simple to digest might help prevent future nasty vomiting incidents. 

To select the finest dog food for sensitive stomachs, go to the list of recipes provided by Spot & Tango.

Of course, it is essential to get in touch with your vet right away if you believe anything more serious is going on.


Does It Matter If My Dog Vomits White Foam?

If your dog only sometimes vomits white foam, there is no immediate cause for alarm as long as your pet generally behaves properly. 

You should send your dog to the vet immediately if they exhibit other symptoms including lethargy, diarrhea, not eating, or if there is blood in its vomit.

How Can I Prevent My Gog From Puking?

Without first seeing your veterinarian, you shouldn’t give your dog any over-the-counter drugs or natural methods to halt the vomiting. 

Depending on the reason why your dog is vomiting, your veterinarian could recommend medicine.

After Vomiting, How Can I Calm My Dog’s Stomach?

Your veterinarian could advise you to stop feeding your dog for a particular period of time if the vomiting was caused by their eating something they shouldn’t have. 

After that period has passed, you will likely be required to feed your dog a bland, readily absorbed meal. Always have access to water.

  • March 11, 2023