How To Make A Dog Throw Up Chocolate? 5 Steps & Guide

How To Make A Dog Throw Up Chocolate? 5 Important Steps & Guide

How To Make A Dog Throw Up Chocolate? All of us have been there. Our first instinct when our dogs consume something they shouldn’t, whether it’s a human drug, another dog’s medication, or a tempting treat like chocolate or raisins, is “how can I make my dog puke up?

“You may make your dog throw up to swiftly eliminate a hazardous ingredient like chocolate from their system. 

So, it’s essential to understand how to make dogs vomit correctly. You should be aware of the following before you make your dog throw up.

How Do I Handle A Chocolate-Eating Dog?

Do not wait for symptoms to appear if you are aware that your dog had chocolate. It’s critical that he swiftly eliminate it from his body.

In case your dog consumes chocolate, you should always have the following four things in your first aid kit:

  • Hydrogen peroxide at 13%
  • Food-grade activated charcoal
  • Clay bentonite, food-grade
  • 50-ml needle (you can get them in packs of assorted sizes)

Be composed if you’re certain your dog consumed chocolate. You must do the following actions.

Determine How Much Your dog Ate?

You need first acquire some data. You must be aware of:

  1. How long ago he last consumed chocolate.
  1. He consumed a lot of chocolate.
  1. The kind of chocolate he consumed.
  1. The weight of your dog.

Next, use this table to determine how many milligrammes your dog consumed per kilogramme of body weight.


If your dog consumed a significant quantity based on the chart, see your veterinarian. She will decide whether you should make her vomit or if she should. 

She will also determine if your dog needs activated charcoal. She knows how to streamline both procedures.

He either didn’t eat much or lately if the quantity is little and there are no symptoms. In this situation, do the following.

Recommended: How To Make A Dog Throw Up? 10 Reasons & Easy Things TO Do

How To Make Your Dog Vomit?

Get your dog to throw up if he had chocolate within an hour. Use a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide. 

1:1 mash it with water. For every 5 pounds of the dog’s body weight, use 1 teaspoon. For dogs that weigh more than 45 pounds, use no more than 3 tablespoons.

The peroxide has to be inhaled by your dog. Squirt it as far back down your dog’s neck as you can using a syringe. 

To encourage him to swallow, keep his lips shut and massage under his chin and down his throat. You may also blow into his nostrils. 

I’ve also used this technique to coax my dogs into taking medication. Give him another dosage but no more after waiting 15 minutes and seeing if he doesn’t throw up.

The better the prognosis for your dog, the faster theobromine is eliminated from the body. 

You can tell whether your dog recently ate the chocolate by watching him throw up. It has not been digested, thus that signifies.

About Activated Charcoal

Ask your veterinarian whether activated charcoal is acceptable for your dog’s condition as a second step. 

Theobromine will not enter the body via activated charcoal. Be cautious, however. It should only be used for canine chocolate poisoning at large doses, according to the APCC (ASPCA Poison Control Center), since it may result in hypernatremia (high sodium levels, which can be risky).

How frequently to dosage will be advised by your veterinarian. Depending on how much chocolate is consumed, a typical dosage of 1 to 5g per kilogramme of body weight is recommended. 

It would be nice if you could begin this immediately after eating the chocolate. To entice him to lap it up, the APCC advises sprinkling some over meals, yoghurt, or baby food.

Or administer it in a syringe along with water. Like you would with hydrogen peroxide, squirt it in. 

Give it little by little. Feeding medication to him by mouth should only be a last option since he might choke and it could go into his lungs. 

Put some in his water dish even if your dog shows no symptoms of chocolate toxicity.

Some poisons that activated charcoal may remove include:

  • Strychnine
  • Narcotics
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Aspirin
  • Medicines on prescription
  • Pyrethrins
  • Marijuana
  • Rodenticides

Give Bentonite Clay 

You may use bentonite clay alone or in combination with activated charcoal. Toxins are removed with it. 

The waste that your dog’s cells create is absorbed by bentonite clay. It binds to toxins in the stomach and absorbs them before the liver and kidneys can handle them. 

It guards against toxins penetrating the gastrointestinal lining. This may lessen vomiting, diarrhoea, and nausea in your dog. 

Since bentonite clay is not digested, toxins are carried out of the body as it departs. It is available as a dietary supplement at your local health food shop.

Just add it to wet food. Never mix clay with metal tools or feed it from a metal bowl. It will take up metal from the bowl or utensil. 

Use a ceramic or glass dish for feeding, then swirl the clay into wet food with a plastic spoon to activate it.

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  1. 1/2 tsp 1Less than 20 pounds
  1. 20–50 pounds 1 teaspoon
  1. 1 Tbsp. 50-90 lbs.
  1. more than 90 pounds. 1-2 Tbsp

Make sure your dog has access to lots of fresh water at all times. Since clay is so absorbent, you don’t want to contribute to any constipation problems. 

Continue to keep an eye out for nausea, diarrhoea, thirst, and restlessness.

Here’s some background information on what chocolate does to your dog so that you know what to do in an emergency if you know your dog ate any.

Why Are Dogs Poison From Chocolate?

Methylxanthines are chemicals found in chocolate. They are theobromine and caffeine. 

Both substances have diuretics, heart stimulants, blood vessel dilatants, and smooth muscle relaxants effects on individuals. 

Not for your dog, however. Dogs react to these poisons very easily. And theobromine is the poison in chocolate that may be fatal to your dog.

Methylxanthines are present in varying levels in various varieties of chocolate. The risk to your dog increases as the chocolate becomes darker and more bitter.

A chart to estimate the toxicity of chocolate is available online. What does it signify, though? Let’s examine chocolate toxicity in more detail.

What Indicates Chocolate Poisoning?

Theobromine has the following effects based on your dog’s body weight.

Step #1: Your dog may seem anxious or hyperactive with 20 mg or more of theobromine per kg of body weight. Moreover, he could drool excessively, vomit, or have diarrhoea that smells like chocolate. 

Make a call to your veterinarian just to be cautious. If you should provide first aid or take him in for treatment, he will instruct you.

Step #2: Your dog may exhibit cardiac symptoms such as a rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, or even heart arrhythmias at 40 mg/kg and above. See a vet right away with your dog.

Step #3: Your dog will start to exhibit neurologic symptoms, such as tremors, twitching, and possibly seizures, at 60+ mg/kg. Medical attention is crucial.

Step #4: At 200 mg/kg (about 100 mg/lb), there is a chance of death or significant sequelae. It will be necessary to take your dog to the vet.

Theobromine Toxicity For Dogs Varies Depending On Their Weight

Having a lengthy half-life, theobromine. The term “half-life” refers to how long it takes for a medicine or poison to break down in the body by half. 

As a result, it takes time to exit the body. Moreover, it may take 6–12 hours before you notice poisoning symptoms. Your dog may have eaten chocolate many hours before.

A sign may last for days. Theobromine may be reabsorbed from the bladder and remain in the body throughout this period.

Additional indications that you could notice at any point include:

  • Panting
  • Restlessness
  • Profound urination

Muscle rigidity, fast breathing, a rise in body temperature and reflex reaction may also occur in severe instances.

See the vet right away if your dog exhibits any of these symptoms or if you have any doubts. Like with any poison, treat this with caution. Death is a potential outcome.

How Much Chocolate Can Be Dangerous?

Little quantities of milk chocolate are generally not dangerous for dogs, particularly bigger canines. 

It has less theobromine than chocolate since it has more sugar. The easy causes of illness in a 10 or 50-pound dog are listed below.

A 10-pound dog’s Chocolate Poisoning in Stages

Below is how much theobromine a dog weighing 10 pounds (4.5 kg) would need to consume to become poisonous at each stage of toxicity. 

For a little dog, even a tiny bit of chocolate might be too much! During baking, it may be disastrous if you drop a piece of unsweetened dark chocolate on the floor.

Stage #1:Your 10 lb dog will suffer consequences of chocolate poisoning if he consumes 90 mg of theobromine, which is equal to 5 chocolate chip cookies. 

He can become energetic or anxious. Also, there will be a lot of drooling, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Theobromine in this quantity is also comparable to:

  1. 1 1/2 bars of milk chocolate, or
  1. 1/9 of a 100g 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar, or
  1. Baking chocolate that is unsweetened, 1/4 of a square.
  1. If your dog consumes nine chocolate chip cookies or 180 milligrammes of theobromine, 

Stage #2: will start. He could show signs of heart palpitations or an increase in blood pressure. Theobromine in this quantity is also equivalent to:

  • 3 Bars of milk chocolate, or
  • 1/4 of a 100g 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar, or
  • Baking chocolate that is unsweetened, half a square

Stage #3: is reached when your dog consumes 14 chocolate chip cookies or 270 milligrammes of theobromine.

This alone is sufficient to bring on tremors, twitches, and even seizures. Theobromine in this quantity is equivalent to:

  1. 4 1/4 bars of milk chocolate, or
  1. 1/3 of a 100g 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar, or
  1. 1 1/4 squares of baked chocolate without sugar.

Stage #4: is reached when your dog consumes 45 chocolate chip cookies or 900 milligrammes of theobromine. Serious problems or death might result from this. Moreover, this equals:

fourteen milk chocolate bars, one and one-ninth of a 100g bar of 85% cocoa dark chocolate, or two and a third of a piece of unsweetened baking chocolate.

As you can see, a little dog may get quite ill by eating a small amount of chocolate. 

For a little dog, even a modest amount of milk chocolate or chocolate chip cookies may be hazardous. especially a voracious eater who will accept anything.

A 50-Pound Dog’s Chocolate Poisoning

In comparison, a 50-pound (22.5 kg) dog would need to consume the following to have those consequences, ranging from moderate to disastrous. This is at theobromine dosages of 20, 40, 60, and 200 mg/kg.

Stage #1: Your 50-pound dog would need to consume 450 mg of theobromine in order to reach chocolate poisoning. 

  • 22 chocolate chip cookies would be equal. You can tell right once that he would need to locate a sizable stockpile. But it’s conceivable.
  • Larger dogs often won’t have many issues with milk chocolate. Dark chocolate will, though.
  • Theobromine in this quantity is also comparable to:
  • Seven milk chocolate bars, half of a 100g bar of 85% cocoa dark chocolate, or one and a third squares of unsweetened baking chocolate

Stage #2: If your dog consumes 44 chocolate chip cookies or 900 milligrammes of theobromine. Theobromine in this quantity is equivalent to:

  1. 14 bars of milk chocolate, or
  1. 100g 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar, or
  1. 2 2/3 of a square of baking chocolate without sugar.

Stage #3: After your dog consumes 68 chocolate chip cookies or 1350 mg of theobromine, Theobromine in this quantity is equivalent to:

  • 21 Milk Chocolate Bars
  • 1 2/3 of a 100g 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar, or
  • 4 pieces of baking chocolate without added sugar.

Stage #4: is reached when your dog consumes 225 chocolate chip cookies or 4500 mg of theobromine. This equates to:

  1. 70 bars of milk chocolate, or
  1. 5 1/2 100g bars of 85% cocoa dark chocolate, or
  1. Unsweetened baking chocolate in 13 squares.

The idea that a dog would have access to that much chocolate doesn’t seem plausible. or that it is feasible to consume 225 cookies. 

Nevertheless, only a few pieces of baked chocolate are enough to cause seizures in a 50-pound dog. 

And during the baking season during the holidays, it is a genuine possibility. Some canines lack a stop button and will continue to eat until they are full.

The Benefits Of Carob Over Chocolate

Use carob instead of chocolate if your dog is a food thief! My coworker had a 12-pound dog. The dog took a milk chocolate bar not once, but twice. 

They visited the veterinarian even though it was milk chocolate, feeling like the worst dog owner since it occurred twice. 

How To Make A Dog Throw Up Chocolate?

They switched to carob goodies for themselves just to be safe. Carob doesn’t contain theobromine but has a chocolate-like appearance and flavour. Even dog snacks and baking utilise it.

How Long Does Dog Toxicity To Chocolate Last?

Your dog’s absorption of theobromine would be reduced if you took prompt action or sought medical attention. 

Recovery might take one to three days since it still needs time to exit the body. If your dog was exhibiting symptoms, he could have been listless and without food for one or two days. 

Your dog should be monitored for a few days even if he showed no signs at all.

Watch Out For Candy And Meals Without Sugar

The most hazardous treats for dogs to consume are xylitol-containing candies or gum. An artificial sweetener is a xylitol

And its uses extend beyond baking and confectionery making. It is used in diabetic goods, chocolate, sugar-free mints, vitamins that may be chewed, toothpaste, and oral care items. 

It requires monitoring both your food and your toiletries. It just takes a half gramme of xylitol per kilogramme of body weight to damage the liver.

A dog needs very little to get into something he shouldn’t. Hence, it’s crucial to understand how to spot threats and to have a first aid kit that is well-packed, just in case.

3  Natural Treatments For Dogs That Have Consumed Chocolate

Has your dog eaten any chocolate? The health of your dog might be seriously harmed by even a tiny quantity. 

If you can’t visit a veterinarian right away, consider some of these emergency home cures. Before doing anything on your own, be sure the veterinarian has given the go-ahead.

1. Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Make Someone Throw Up

The most crucial step is to get rid of the chocolate before your dog’s body begins to process it. You may induce vomiting in your dog by giving him a little quantity of hydrogen peroxide to eat.

Small to medium-sized dogs should start vomiting after ingesting a teaspoon of food-grade, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. 

The sooner you do this, the less likely it is that your dog will get ill. If your dog ate the chocolate more than 30 minutes ago, hydrogen peroxide is not going to be of much use.

2. Call the ASPCA’s poison helpline.

The ASPCA should be your next port of call if you aren’t having much success getting in touch with a local emergency veterinarian. 

Their animal poison control centre is open every day of the year, 24 hours a day.

While there is a consultation cost, it is reasonable, particularly considering that a licenced toxicologist is waiting on the other end of the phone. 

Every second matters. You don’t want to spend time searching Google for a solution that could or might not be correct.

PSA: If your pet has a microchip from a company like Home Again, the ASPCA’s Poison Control consultation charge may be waived.

3. Avoid Activated Charcoal Usage in the Household

To address your dog’s chocolate poisoning issue, some veterinarians may inject activated charcoal (by blending it into the dog’s drinking water). 

By blocking theobromine, the “toxic” component of chocolate, from being absorbed by the dog’s body, activated charcoal may be helpful.

We don’t recommend giving your dog activated charcoal on your own unless you are quite convinced that you know what you’re doing or you’re doing it under a veterinarian’s supervision.

One concern associated with using activated charcoal is the possibility of your dog overdosing.

Last Words

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  • March 22, 2023